TOP 10 BOOKS of 2015

The year of 2015 was full of really beautiful books, consequently it was quite hard for me to choose only ten of them. But when it came to emplacement, I was absolutely sure about to what point to put which one. I've never evaluated a book by the writing style only, the most important aspect has always been  the feeling that was evoked within me after reading it. In this post I would like to share the best of what I've read the past year. If you'll decide to read some of these books, I hope that you'll find them as impressive and inspiring as I do...

PS: If you're interested, you can click on the title of each book under the picture and find the whole review of it.

1. Anne of Green Gables - I am so glad I have finally found the time for reading this book by L. M. Montgomery. I wanted to read it for ages. I always knew that I was going to fall in love with this story and so I did. Anne and her colorful life at Green Gables was so charming and sweet and the reading about it was very entertaining...

2. Irises - This book, that Francisco X. Stork sent me three years ago, is one of the best I've ever read. The story discusses a very tough and hurting topic but it is written in a really gentle way that induce the most tender feeling within the reader's heart. It is a book I wouldn't forget...

3. How I Live Now - This book by Meg Rosoff I have decided to read because of the movie which stroke me really hard. But the book was even better than the screen play for the characters were so richly written. I grew fond of all of them and I've found reading about them very inspiring. This is the powerful story you definitely have to read...

4. Heidi - I wouldn't find so lovable character like Heidi in any of those books I've read through ages. It melted my heart when her cheerfulness return the love and joy into the heart of her grandfather. I was reading the story of hers in our garden and I had had a really splendid time...

5. The Truth About Forever - I love the books by Sarah Dessen and this one isn't the exception. It was sweet and lovely and beautifully written. When I was reading The Truth About Forever I was in love with the whole world. Sarah Dessen always makes me feel in this way and I absolutely adore it...

6. A Certain Age - I have surely never read such an astonishing book. The frankness of the author has really surprised me but it definitely was in a good way. It was quite strange experience of a reading because the book wasn't structured into chapters, then I had never found out the name of the main character and the ending was so open that it seemed like it was left unfinished. But I have to admit that the book was truly impressive and it hasn't left me untouched...

7. Rozlet Gemmy Hardyové / The Flight of Gemma Hardy - You know that I am a big fan of Jane Eyre and I am the kind of reader that wants to read everything connected with the story of hers. Margot Livesey wrote a very dashing book based on this classic story by Charlotte Brontë. It was fast read and I couldn't put it down although it wasn't as admirable as the original...

8. První dojmy / First Impressions - I would recommend this book by Charlie Lovett to everyone who loves Jane Austen. It is arresting and nicely written. I've found it really thrilling and even though the ending was quite husty, I think that it is a great book for every booklover...

9. Než jsem tě poznala / Me Before You - This book by Jojo Moyes is truly devastating. I was crying inconsolably almost a whole week after reading it. And even though I still can't understand to the decisions of the characters, I really like this book. I would recommend it to you for it has a lot to say...

10. Kdo chytá v žitě / The Catcher in the Rye - Holden is an unforgettable character and I completely fell under his spell. I adored the way in which he was talking. It was coarse and funny but still somewhat profound. I liked the writing style of J. D. Salinger and I found myself between his words. It was like he was writing about me as well as about Holden or at least I had had that feeling while reading it...


  1. Tohle je pěkná top ten a i když jsem zatím nic z toho nečetla, ráda bych to změnila. Chystám se na Kdo chytá v žitě, ale třeba tu knížku Irises bych si opravdu ráda přečetla, pořád o ní mluvíš, tak mi to nedá. :)

  2. Úžasné knihy a aj fotky Veronika. Ja som si v roku 2015 dopriala rereading Anny zo Zeleného domu, čím som si prinavrátila myšlienky na svoje detstvo a čitateľské začiatky. Ak by Ťa zaujímala recenzia, nájdeš ju na tomto linku: :) :)

  3. Z týchto som čítala len Kto chytá v žite, ktoré ma ale neočarilo toľko, čo teba, pretože podľa mňa to bol lepší priemer. No a potom samozrejme Annu, ktorá je mojou knižnou láskou už niekoľko rokov. Milujem ten príbeh a veľmi ti závidím toto vydanie :)

  4. I really want to know why so many people love Jojo Moyes but I'm afraid I'd be devastated after reading her books just like you said you were! Out of your list, I've only read The Catcher in the rye and it's one of my all-time favourites, and also Heidi! I read it a long time ago and I remember I loved the pictures in the book. Anyway, I added First Impressions on my TBR. Everyone wants more of Jane Austen haha! Happy New Year! x

  5. Great! I spy so many of my favourites. I loved Heidi and Anne of Green gables as a child. Seeing them make me so nostalgic. And your pictures are SO SO amazing. Adore your Instagram feed too.


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