
Hello dear readers,
so first of all, I would like to thank to all of you for sticking up with me, even though my blog's been quite subdued lately. Your visits and occasional comments really mean a world to me. I've been kind of struggling whether to keep this blog or not for almost a year now. And since I can't seem to picture myself quitting something I've been doing for four years, I decided to stay on a condition of posting only when I truly feel like it. And so far it's really worked. I feel like I've been reading more than I had before. And there are still many ideas for new posts coming. I can't tell if and how much the blog is about to change. Or if it's going to be for the better. But I hope that I'll be able to keep it either way. If you are a blogger, let me know what do you think. Can you foresee yourself continuing on for many years? Or do you sometimes question what are you doing...?

Anyway, back to the books. So yesterday, on my way to Prague, I've started to read my first novel by A. S. King - Ask the Passengers, which I am planning on finishing today. I really like her writing style and I enjoy reading of the book. There are many beautiful thoughts in it that I would like to remember and apply to my own life, if possible. But at the same time, I am not so much blown away by the story itself. So I guess, I will see what I made up from it at the ent. But I still have super high expectations for Everybody Sees the Ants. It's been on my TBR list for ages. Hopefully, it'll be as amazing as I imagine it to be... Definitely let me know what are you reading at the moment. I am always curious to know...


  1. I think what you described is the only "healthy" way to blog when it's not something you do for a living. I've always known that I'm not consistent enough to keep posting every week. So when I don't feel like it, I don't write anything, even if it's for months. I do hope that you keep on blogging though, I always enjoy reading your posts and especially looking at your pictures!

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely and supporting comment. I really appreciate it. And I am glad to know that I am not the only one with these occasional moods about blogging. Sometimes, it's the only thing I need to know. That there are people who try their best just like I do. So that way I don't feel alone... I am also very happy to hear that you still enjoy reading my blog. Thank you so so much... :-)

  2. I'm sort of new to your blog but I have browsed through it even the ones in Polish (?) though I can't read them but I get that you actually like blogging. whenever I feel like I've blogged too long or whenever I feel like a change is needed, I would start new in a new blog. it's not for everyone but I think starting in a new space adds a bit of something new to blogging. I've been blogging a long while so I know how frustrating it can get, so post when you want to, don't when you don't want to, that's what I do these days.

    have a lovely day.

    1. I am more than happy to welcome you here on my blog. I am so glad you found it. And I hope you'll come back in the future as well. Thank you very much for your comment. It's great to hear from people abroad. That was one of the many reasons why I've started to write in English instead of in Czech language. For I myself read blogs that are in Dutch or Portuguese languages. And it would be much more easier for me had they been written in English... I totally get your need for a nice and clean space where you can start to blog all over again. And I have been thinking about it many times, but I always decided to stay in the end. For I think that the work I've done so far is actually the thing that keeps me going. But I guess, I'll never know. I might as well start a fresh new blog someday in the future... :-)

      Thank you very much once again for your nice comment. And have a lovely time. :-)


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