Brighton Photo Diary

It has been just one week ago that I was spending time on the Brighton beach with my parents. It was so beautiful place and the weather was really warm that day. We arrived early morning there so we have had the beach for ourselves for a while before the crowd began to gather. It was really nice place to be. Since I was very exhausted from hectic London it was truly refreshing to enjoy the sound of ocean and seagulls... In this post you can see some of the pictures that I've managed to take. Hope you'll like them...

Me on the beach, wearing the skirt that I've bought in London...
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice-cream and Brighton Pier...
Enjoying the beautiful view...
Our breakfast. It was soaked with grease but since we were so hungry, it tasted pretty good...
I loved the atmosphere of the city...
My favorite outfits in some of the shops we visited...
Gorgeous art on the wall in the Martens shop...
My new bookish bag (with a few of new books) and hot chocolate at the end of the day...


  1. Opět nádherné fotky! A těším se na další :)

  2. Brighton je strašne krásne mesto a veľmi túžim po tom, aby som ho raz mohla navštíviť! :) Nádherne fotky! ♥

  3. Brighton je jedno z miest, ktoré chcem rozhodne raz navštíviť.
    Prekrásne fotky :)

  4. Opäť očarujúce fotky presne tak ako z Londýna :) :)

  5. To je opravdu krása, Verunko!♥ Doufám, že sis to tam užila! Jednou se tam snad také podívám :)

  6. V Brightonu jsem chodila do školy. :-) Bydlela jsem v malé vesničce kousek za městem a tam to bylo tak malebné... Hned bych se tam vrátila. :-)


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