
Hello dear friends!
I hope you're enjoying every single moment of the beautiful sunny days. Because you never know which one might be the last one. I would love to stay in our garden and do nothing but read, but the duty calls and I have to go back to London. I know it'll sound crazy to you but I am not looking forward to it at all. I am leaving tomorow but I won't be there for long. I just need to take care of some things and say goodbye to everything since I don't know when and if I would ever be back. I am going to take some pictures over the city that I'll share with you once I'll be back so stay tuned...
Anyways, I finished one book in the morning so I've picked up another one that I bought in the arpoirt like two months ago. It's called Noon in Paris, Eight in Chicago, and it tells story about the tragic love between an American writer Nelson Algren and France's feminist icon Simone de Beauvoir. It's beautifuly written by Douglas Cowie, and I love it from the first page. I am taking this book with me to London and I can't wait to read it on the plane. Soon after I read it, I'll write a review as well. As always, tell me what are you reading at the moment...


  1. To vypadá na opravdu hezkou knihu do letadla, ať se ti líbí a přeji příjemnou cestu nazpátek. Já momentálně čtu Lásku podle Shakespeara a je to opravdu moc krásná romantická kniha o zakázané lásce mezi studentkou je jejím profesorem. :)
    Reading With Lucy

    1. Děkuju mockrát, věřím, že cesta mi s knihou krásně uteče. :-) Mamka zrovna před pár týdny Lásku podle Shakespeara přečetla a byla z ní také unešená. Tak snad si ji i já brzy přečtu... :-)


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