Dewey's Read-a-Thon (#2)

Hello, dear readers!
So a year has reunited and I am here again all prepared and excited to start another Dewey's Read-a-Thon. I've been looking forward to this particular weekend for so long, and I can't even explain how happy I am that I have a chance to participate in this event. I hadn't been able to join in during the April's one, for I was at work, but the more I am intend to enjoy this one. Anyway, back to the plans of what I am going to read. To start with I choose a children classic Charlotte's Web by E. B. White, then I would like to continue with an epic fantasy story The Princess Bride written by William Goldman, and at last, but by no means least, I am looking forward to read The Awakening by Kate Chopin that has been so kindly sent to me by Everyman's Library. Well, I know that three books could be quite all right to read during 24 hours for some readers, but for me it's actually rather ambitious, nevertheless, I am determined to at least try. Wish me luck. And also, stay tuned because I am going to share photos, my opinions and other bits and peaces with you in this very post along the whole day. You can also find me on Instagram. Hope we'll have fun during the reading together...

14:00 - Let's get started. I've just came back home from a little walk around our block. It's so beautiful weather outside. All sunny and colourful that I just couldn't resist to go to get a breath of fresh air before I put my nose between the pages of a book. Alright then, I prepared some homemade cookies within my reach as well as a hot tea, and I am going to unplug and read the first chapter of Charlotte's Web.

15:15 - I've read 33 pages so far and I am in love with the story about little pig named Wilbur. The writing style of Mr. White is just enchanting and so touching. I am now quickly going to eat my lunch, for I haven't eaten anything but a few candy bears, and then I'll be back to reading...

16:34 -  I've just finished a nineth chapter and I've read 66 pages during two hours of reading. Well, I guess I am quite a slow reader, but am still hoping I could at least start to read even the third book I've prepared. We will see. By all odds, I couldn't have chosen a better book to start with than Charlotte's Web. It is rather lovely and extremely smart read, and I grew fond of Fern and all the animal friends of hers...

19:00 - I am almost finishing up the first story and have to say that the winsome pig and he is shrewd a friend spider called Charlotte are really getting into my heart. So lovable little creatures they are that I really don't want to part with them...

20:20 - Just finished the first book, and now, I am off to watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on TV. See you later. Till then, you can watch a little video I've made. Enjoy!

23:30 - I am back ready to start another book which is The Princess Bride by William Goldman. I reckon this will be just the right read to cheer me up a little bit after so beautifully melting an end of Charlotte's Web.

01:00 - My candle is running low, ale everybody at our house has fallen asleep. It's finally quiet and so very dark, but I am still reading in my bed under the light of my little lamp. I don't feel that much tired which is rather surprising but I shall continue reading till I can...

9:30 - Good morning, dear readers. I've just woken up. I was reading till very late night yesterday. I think it was actually 4am when I had fallen asleep. And I read half of The Princess Bride. It was really so good that I just couldn't stop reading. The writing style of William Goldman is extremely captivating and entertaining. I am so glad I picked up this book to read during the read-a-thon. And I am looking forward to finish it soon, but for now, I am going to take a try and read The Awakening by Kate Chopin. We still have at least four hours of reading...

14:00 - 24h Dewey's Read-a-thon just finished, and I put down The Awakening by Kate Chopin only half finished on my table. So basicly I have read one whole book and two halves. I know it is not that great a result, but for me it's actually pretty good. I think there is something quite alright to force yourself to read more during the weekend. Because I have to admit that I sometime waste my time unreasonably. So thank you very much for your support and nice words. It was a great pleasure to read with all of you together...


  1. Jak já miluju tvoje články, to se ani popsat nedá. Píšeš tak jemňounce, skoro až dojemně, i když vlastně vůbec nepíšeš o dojemných věcech. Neumím ten pocit co ve mně vyvoláváš popsat. A fotky <3...
    Chtěla jsem se jen zeptat, kde "bereš" tak překrásná vydání knih, máš je ještě z Londýna nebo objednáváš na nějaké stránce? Pokud ano, budu moc ráda, pokud mi prozradíš odkaz. Já sice čtení v angličtině moc neholduji, ale ta Šarlotina pavučinka je tak nádherná, že bych rozhodně udělala výjimku.
    Ať se daří i dál, Verů :)

    1. Oh, Hani, děkuju ti mockrát za tak milá slova. Tvé komentáře jsou vždy dokonalou odměnou za každý článek, na kterém pracuji. Jsem ti za to opravdu velice vděčná... :-) Jinak co se týče anglických knih objednávám je většinou z Book Depository. Samozřejmě, že má tahle společnost pár jistých neduhů, ale když to vezmu kolem a kolem, osvědčila se mi nejvíce. Šarlotinu pavučinku mám teda zrovna z knihkupectví z Londýna, ve kterém jsem pracovala, ale jsem si docela jistá, že ji najdeš i na Book Depository. Mají tam i celkem příznivé ceny a doprava je zdarma, což je rozhodně velkou výhodou... :-) Měj se moc krásně. A ještě jednou děkuju, Hani! :-)

  2. Vždycky si lámu hlavu nad tím, jakými slovy popsat Tvůj text a myslím, že Hanička na to kápla - dojemný. To je přesně ono. Každý Tvůj článek je dojemný, ať píšeš o čemkoli. Ta křehkost, jemnost a noblesa mě nikdy nepřestane bavit... <3
    Readathonu se také účastním, sice jsem si to rozložila do celého víkendu, ale to myslím ničemu nevadí. Držím palce, ať Tě čtení baví a ať si ho hezky užíváš a budu dál s chutí sledovat Tvoje pokroky :) Měj se krásně, Verunko! :)

  3. Naprosto souhlasím s Hankou, zbožňuju tvé články a fotky! Mám radost z odkazu na Book Depositary, taky mi vrtalo hlavou, kde bereš taková nádherná vydání knih, hned se na to jdu podívat.

  4. Moc krásný článek. Pouštěla jsem si to video, tahle písnička je má velmi oblíbená a tenhle cover je super. A všechny ty fotky, knižní i neknižní zážitky... nádhera!

    Hezký večer přeji. :)


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