The Secret Garden

Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett
Illustrations: Ross MacDonald
Publisher: Amazon Children's Publishing
Publishing date: 2012
Pages: 307

Mary Lennox at age ten, having lived in India all her life, never experienced love in any of its form. She's used to being left alone to play wih herself, for nobody really cares for her. When her parents and everybody she knows die of plague, she has to go to live at her uncle's mension on the Yorkshire Moors. The immensely huge house is full of secrets. But it's only when Mary learns that the adjacent gardens hide a secret place, when her interest starts to pick up. In her new home she is going to meet many interesting people and she might even learn to love them. The spring is coming and Mary's life is about to change forever...

"If you look the right way,
you can see that the whole world is a garden."

I've read and loved A Little Princess, and so I've already known that Frances Hodgson Burnett was a great storyteller. Her tales are briming with wonderful characters and their adventures, capturing the amazing magic of ordinary things. But I was completely blown away by her vivid description of a nature awaiking for spring in The Secret Garden. In the book she spoke of the flowers with such a passion and love and in such a fashion that one wanted to give up on everyting else and become a gardener too. All the bewitching scents and beatiful colours and shapes. It almost felt like I was in the forgotten garden with Mary, filling my lungs with fresh air...

"I am sure there is Magic in everything,
only we have not sense enough to get hold of it and make it do things for us."

The most amazing part of Frances Hodgson Burnett's books are her characters. They are absolutely unique, colourful and utterly charming. In The Secret Garden there are not only people, but also animals which she portrayed in such playful a way to give me smile every time. The squirrels, birds, fox and lamb. They were all completely adorable and unforgettable. This book is simply full of loveliness and everybody who enjoys life, or somebody who needs to be reminded of its joyfulness, should read it. It's one of the most beautiful books ever written, with a power to mend broken hearts and shattered souls...

Rating: 5/5 


  1. Tajomná záhrada ma sprevádzala po celé detstvo. Jedného dňa som to náhodou zahliadla v telke a v tom momente pre mňa skončil bežný deň. Tento úžasný príbeh sa mi už v tom čase vryl hlboko do srdca a moja detská duša jasala. Jediné po čom som túžila, bolo kúsok zeme a sádzanie kvietkov. Odvtedy som si Tajomnú záhradu vždy rada pozrela znova a znova, stále dookola... Malo to pre mňa obrovské čaro, ktoré asi dodnes nedokážem celkom popísať. Nikdy sa nevytratilo :). Často som mala pocit, akoby som prežila dobrodružstvo troch malých hrdinov na vlastnej koži. Akoby som videla záhradu na vlastné oči. Vždy ma dokáže očariť to tajomné, prekrásne miesto, ktorému Mary vdýchla život. Hojdačka, ktorá počula veľa smiechu a napokon plač... Skrátka prekrásny príbeh.
    Ďakujem ti za spríjemnenie večera. Veľmi som sa potešila, keď som zahliadla novú recenziu. Krásne fotky a úžasná recenzia :)!

    1. Děkuji mockrát za krásný komentář, milá Kristy. Budu se snažit teď na podzim už přispívat častěji. Tak uvidíme, jak se mi to povede... :-)

      Měj se moc a moc hezky!

    2. Budem sa tešiť a držať palce :)


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